Issue No. 13 | Spring 2011

MMR ANTHOLOGY 2011 — Fiction, Poetry, Art

CONVERSATIONS & CONNECTIONS Johns Hopkins University, D.C. | April 16th | 18 Journals/6 Presses  REGISTER NOW!

GALLERY | Ogun Afariogun
COMEDY SPOTLIGHT | Christian Pole Dancing Fox News
SPRING 2011 ECLECTIC GROOVE MIX | Marvin Gaye, Beirut, Infected Mushroom, The Bird and the Bee, U2, 30 Seconds to Mars MMR Editors

The Office They Gave Me Randall Brown

The Anger of Others (Excerpt from MMR Anthology 2011) Roxanne Gay

A Diverse Flora of Native and Introduced Species, Beautifully Adapted to Their Microenvironment Don Hucks

Thieves Len Kuntz

The Weeping Fig T. J. McIntyre

Bomb Squad Jason Olsen

The Makers Natanya Pulley

Smoke Chad Simpson


Common Nicholas YB Wong

This is for Our Mistakes Roheeni Saxena


WINTER 2011 FIRST PLACE WINNER | Come to Me Anne Earney

WINTER 2011 SECOND PLACE WINNER | You Must Hold the Baby Like This Mel Bosworth

SPRING 2011 CONTEST | GETUPSTANDUP (Contest Guest-edited by Laura Ellen Scott)

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The Editors
Eckleburg is a print and online literary journal that offers original fiction, poetry, essays, music, art, writing workshops and more.