Eckleburg is pleased to announce the Gertrude Stein Award in Fiction winners. Thank you to all the talented writers who submitted and their incredible patience as we, our families and literary community recovered from the COVID pandemic. It is always a difficult task choosing among so many fine stories and ...
You cannot go back. Leah had sketched the words on every scrap of paper, every grocery list, even the coupons she handed over at the store, the newspapers she bound with string and set out for recycling. They, too, bore her new mantra beneath the bylines—four words from a soft-tipped ...
smoke cinder ash dye job from hell calls Putin “Daddy” spellbinding back tat-- a forest of impossibly tall trees with dark squid-like branches loves Billie “Eyelash” possesses a wicked left hook ...
They lock you up and feed you clouds. Cumulus candy puffs. Cirrostratus and Nimbostratus gummies. You float on delicious filaments. So much wonder. Silvery minnows of the mind. Nets for the careless. Stippled with black floaters ...
she is under the rice fingers poking up through the water playing air piano are fish allowed to swim the paddies? they should be flashes of koi gold among rich green every hillside a rice aquarium with jazzy flowing fish and rice fit for a Sumo wrestler who secretly yearns ...
last days of autumn have fallen on your fragrant locks like honey rust clouds in the distance rolling toward the Rio Grande at Pilar trout are biting rattling the snakes behind every rock ...
star bride on the beach paging Pierre Reverdy firecrackers in dubious battle overhead not even close to dark She yearns La Mordida the Frat boys mirrored along the strand ...
I don’t want to be all playing into stereotypes here, but I’m on my period and everything is pissing me off. From my dog who selectively understands English and won’t stop whining at the squirrels to my long-distance boyfriend/affairmate who I haven’t even talked to today because I’m getting frustrated ...
Why does his family piss him off so badly? No clue. All he knows is that he wants to scream. He nestles each fly into his tackle box. In the kitchen, his wife makes tuna-and-tomato sandwiches, their fish smell pervading the living room. She fills Ziploc bags with carrot sticks, ...
We accept previously unpublished and polished prose up to 8,000 words year round, unless announced otherwise. We accept essays and poetry, too. No multiple submissions but simultaneous is fine as long as you withdraw the submission asap through the submissions system. During the summer and winter months, we run our Writers Are Readers, Too, fundraiser when submissions are open only to subscribers. During the fall and spring, we open submissions for regular, unsolicited submissions. Submit
Join us for creative writing workshops in fiction, essay, poetry and more.
WRITING WORKSHOPS | Fiction, Poetry, Essays & More
How do we transcend the cliched and gratuitous fight scene when writing violence? How do we create a scene that will engage smart readers in critical, aware and rigorous ways? ...
Welcome to the One on One Creative Writing Workshop. Thank you for trusting us with your words. We look forward to reading your creative writing: fiction, short story, short short ...
Create Unforgettable Characters. Unforgettable characters are the heart of an unforgettable narrative. Using a number of guided structural and narrative explorations, you will explore your characters and ask your characters ...
Welcome to the "Evolving Origins Workshop." In this course you will explore how progressive experiences with cultures, both your own and others, inform your writing voice. You'll add additional "writing ...
Magic Realism is the sweet spot between realism and the fantastic. In this course, you will read short works and excerpts from foundational magic realism authors such as Virginia Woolf, ...
We will read and view excerpts of undead works such as Zombie Survival Guide, World War Z, Pride, Prejudice and Zombies, Day of the Dead, The Walking Dead and more ...
Eckleburg offers noncredit online writing workshops in fiction, poetry, essays, short stories, the novel and more. The writing workshops are intended for writers who want to focus on craft in an encouraging, professional, diverse environment.
All writing workshops are work-at-your-own-pace. When you are ready for individualized feedback—developmental edits, line edits and endnotes—submit your work. Our instructors have graduate degrees and professional publication experience in their writing workshop focuses and are happy to meet participants at whatever writing stage and focus participants find themselves. Participants may complete assignments anytime. We are open to English-speaking and writing participants both locally and globally and encourage gender and cultural diversity with a focus on historically marginalized voices.
Our instructors are award-winning and published authors and hold degress from/taught at the Iowa Writers Workshop, Iowa’s International Writing Program, Johns Hopkins, Yale, Brown, Harvard, Columbia, New School, New York University, SUNY, Portland, San Diego State University, New York University, Bennington, the University of Illinois at Chicago, Loyola University Chicago,the University of Oregon and more. They live in Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Ankara, San Diego, LA and Denver. Several of them are award-winning and with books out. They have been interviewed and published in The Paris Review, The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, McSweeney’s, The Rumpus, The Nervous Breakdown, The New York Times,Salon, and more. What our instructors share is an eye for innovative storytelling with solid narrative structure as well as a focus on personal voice. Learn more about our individual instructors. More Questions? Visit our FAQs Page.
Each work has its own strengths and needs, successes and focus areas. I approach each new work with an eye toward individual voice so that the work can take on a life of its own that focuses on your intentions. Below, you’ll find a link for submission guidelines and submitting your manuscript. As we move through your work, we’ll look at the following:
What is the intention for the work, as communicated on the page and as is essential to the main characters?
What is the authentic voice of the narrator, and how can this be brought out thoroughly and to the work’s best interest?
What is your authentic voice and how can this be coupled with the needs of the narrative voice?
Developmentally, how can the character arcs and the overall narrative be brought to fuller realization?
Linguistically, how does the cadence, syntax and repetition in language support the overall artistry of the piece?
Mechanically, are the choices being made in the overall best interest of the authentic narrative voice?
What can be strengthened from word choice and comma usage?
Thank you for joining us at The Eckleburg Workshops. I promise to honor your hard work and talents.
How intensive is the Eckleburg Writing Workshops schedule?
You will be able to log in and complete the weekly writing prompts, readings, discussion prompts, etc. as it best fits into your schedule, whether you are at home or traveling. The online visual structure of the course makes it easy to read and respond via your desktop, laptop and smartphone. Submit work for individualized feedback when it is convenient for you and your project.
How do I register for the Eckleburg Writing Workshops?
Begin by clicking on the workshop link you would like to take. Next, click on the CART link and you will be taken to the payment portal where you can pay by credit card or Paypal. You can CANCEL at anytime with a click.
Since 2010, we have been an online, print and pop up gallery space for contemporary and international artists, including event installations in Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, Boston and more. We seek to share provocative art forms in all media through intimate, intellectual moments in which aesthetics and ideas entwine. We are committed to providing artists an international platform to explore voice, context and form in canvas, sculpture, performance, digital media, intermedia, video, technology and more. We encourage all aesthetics with gender and diversity awareness.
Send us a link for your online portfolio that includes all the works (at least 3, 10 or more is better) that you would like us to consider. You can also send a 100 to 200 word bio. If accepted, we will request attached, high resolution jpegs of the chosen works. Submit Here. We look forward to viewing your work.