
Rae Bryant, Founding Editor

Rae Bryant is the author of the short story collection, The Indefinite State of Imaginary Morals. Her stories, essays, and poetry have appeared in print and online at The Paris ReviewThe Missouri Review, McSweeney’s, DIAGRAM, North American Review, Gargoyle and more. Her fiction and creative nonfiction have won prizes, scholarships and fellowships from Johns Hopkins, American University, Aspen Writers Foundation and North American Review among others. She earned an M.A. in Writing from Johns Hopkins and an M.F.A. in Fiction and Creative Nonfiction from American University, where she was the recipient of the Starr and Sartwell scholarships. She is the founding editor of Eckleburg and is represented by Jennifer Carlson with Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency.

caitlin-hamilton-summieCaitlin Hamilton SummieMarketing & Publicity

Caitlin Hamilton Summie earned her MFA with Distinction from Colorado State University. Her short stories have been published in Puerto del Sol, Wisconsin Review, and Beloit Fiction Journal. In 2017, Fomite will publish her first book, a short story collection. She is the former Marketing Director of MacMurray & Beck and also of BlueHen Books/Penguin Putnam. At each company she also managed imprint profile and directed all publicity, hardcover & paperback. In addition, for nearly two years she simultaneously directed and handled sales nationwide for MacMurray & Beck. In 2003, she founded Caitlin Hamilton Marketing & Publicity, LLC, an independent book publicity and marketing firm.

Johnathon Williams Johnathan WilliamsTech

Johnathon Williams: poet, programmer, editor, parent, and author of The Road to Happiness. With poems such as “Mossing” and essays on the hungry undead of Wal-Mart, Williams offers a quaint-but-slanted perspective to flyover-state life. He is the head creative at


Current and Past Guest Editors and Judges: Cris Mazza, Rick Moody, David Wagoner, Molly Gaudry, Ben Loory, Vallie Lynn Watson, Luke Wallin, Laura Ellen Scott, Roxane Gay