
“Literally, the director, who is regarded as the “author” of a film because he/she has primary control and responsibility for the final product. The Auteur theory insists that a film be considered in terms of the entire canon of a director and that each Auteur earns that title by displaying a unique cinematic style….” (Pennsylvania State University)

See: The Auteur Workshop 


The Age of Insight: The Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the PresentEric Kandel.

Caughie, John. Theories of Authorship. 1981.

“Cogito et Histoire de la Folie.” Jacques Derrida.

Cognitive Neuropsychology Section, Laboratory of Brain and Cognition.

Columbia University: Columbia Film Language Glossary.

Eats Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Lynne Truss.

The Elements of Style. William Strunk. 

Grant, Barry Keith. Auteurs & Authorship: Film Reader. 2008.

A Handbook to Literature. William Harmon.

Jeong, Seung-hoon and Jeremy Szaniawski. The Global Auteur: The Politics of Authorship 21st Century Cinema. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2016.

New Oxford American DictionaryEdited by Angus Stevenson and Christine A. Lindberg.

New York Film Academy: Glossary. 

The Norton Anthology of World LiteratureMartin Puchner, et al.

The Norton Introduction to PhilosophyGideon Rosen and Alex Byrne.

Pennsylvania State University: Film Terminology.

Sellors, C. Film Authorship: Auteurs & Other Myths. 2011.

Woe is I: The Grammarphobe’s Guide to Better English in Plain English. Patricia T. O’Conner

Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft. Janet Burroway, Elizabeth Stuckey-French & Ned Stuckey-French.

Writing the Other. Nisi Shawl and Cynthia Ward.

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