Jeffrey H. MacLachlan also has recent work in New Ohio Review, Columbia Journal, the minnesota review, among others. He teaches literature at Georgia College & State University. He can be followed on Twitter @jeffmack.
Eckleburg: What captures your interest most in your work, now, as a reader of your work?
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan: Jessa Crispin recently said that good literary work requires the writer to “control their darkness.” I never had an issue with producing dark imagery, but often struggled with the implementation of that imagery to explore deeper meanings. The discipline of the texts I produce is what interests me most.
Eckleburg: What are you working on now?
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan: I recently finished a poetry manuscript about Socialist Realism that I’m submitting to various publishers.
Eckleburg: Who and what are your artistic influences?
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan: The two poets who initially inspired me to change majors were Gertrude Stein and Russell Edson. David Lynch looms large in a lot of my work. Frank B Wilderson III is what I aim to achieve in my lyric essays.
Eckleburg thanks Jeffrey H. MacLachlan. Do you have new work published here at Eckleburg or elsewhere? Add your Selfie Interview and share the news with our 10,000+ reading and writing community. If you have a new book out or upcoming, join our Eckleburg Book Club and let our readers know about it.