SPOKEN WORD | Selected Works Edgar Oliver
NONFICTION | Shadow Play David Cotrone
COMEDY SPOTLIGHT | Funny or Die: Protect Insurance Companies PSA Will Ferrell & Friends
Cryo Annam Manthiram
The Coal Dealer’s Wife John Minichillo
The Brewsters Laura Ellen Scott
Man with the Radio Kristine Ong Muslim
The Tell-Tale Heart (Original Work and Animated Version) Edgar Allan Poe
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe Performed by Vincent Price
Zombie Love: Night of the Living Dead (1968) George Romero
SEPTEMBER WINNER | The Dream of the Sheep as It Is Sheared Ruth Joffre (contest guest-edited by Ben Loory)
OCTOBER CONTEST | General Cable 7 Francis DiClemente (contest guest-edited by Vallie Lynn Watson)