Rae Bryant Guest Judging at Bartleby Snopes

Our own Editor in Chief, Rae Bryant, will be guest judging the Bartleby Snopes‘ Dialogue Only Contest, along with Kevin Dickinson, Editor of Writer’s Bloc (Rutgers) .  Submissions open, so send your best Dialogue Only stories. 

Prizes: A minimum of $290 will be awarded, with $250 going to first place and $10 to our four honorable mentions. Five finalists will also appear in Issue 5 of the magazine due out in January 2011. Last year we awarded $450 in prize money.

Barrelhouse Presents Moon Milk Review–Coming This September

If you’ve not heard, the fine gents at Barrelhouse are rolling out the presentation carpet,  but don’t let us tell you about it. Hear it straight from the Barrelhouse mouth: “The series will showcase readers representing literary magazines and small presses we love, bringing new voices to the DC scene and introducing you to the best that indie lit has to offer.” 

Don’t miss the upcoming Barrelhouse Presents night—Thursday, June 17th at 7 pm—with Baltimore’s Publishing Genius and Narrow House. Head on over to The Wonderland Ballroom!