Zina Nedelcheva is a graduate graphic artist from Bulgaria. Art for her is a way of portraying feelings, thoughts or just a point of view. She finds inspiration in music, people, odd things and creatures on the side of the road, art materials, old fabrics. Little things that could be just sitting there in the corner, unnoticeable for others, old and forgotten often are start point for my works. She refers to the oddness of everything.
Zina Nedelcheva is a graduate graphic artist from Bulgaria. Art for her is a way of portraying feelings, thoughts or just a point of view. She finds inspiration in music, people, odd things and creatures on the side of the road, art materials, old fabrics. Little things that could be just sitting there in the corner, unnoticeable for others, old and forgotten often are start point for my works. She refers to the oddness of everything.