Sunday Salon, NYC, Jimmy’s No. 43

Sunday Salon


Sunday Salon is a prose reading series and online magazine. Based in New York City and founded by Nita Noveno in the summer of 2002, Sunday Salon swept through the Midwest to Chicago in 2006. In 2007 Sunday Salon launched an online zine to showcase the prose of its alumni and up and coming writers.


New York City

Nita Noveno and co-hosts Sara Lippmann and Lynne Bamat Mijangos keep a refreshing blend of new and experienced literary voices on tap at Jimmy’s No. 43 every third Sunday of the month and online in the Sunday Salon zine.



nita AboutNita Noveno

Nita Noveno was born and raised in Southeast Alaska. She is a graduate of the New School MFA Creative Writing Program in Creative Nonfiction, and is the founder and co-host of Sunday Salon in NYC. Her writing has appeared in The MacGuffin and, amongst other places. She lives in Queens.


Sara Lippmann

lipman AboutSara Lippmann is a freelance writer and editor. Her fiction has appeared in or is forthcoming from, PANK, Our Stories, Slice, Potomac Review, Big Muddy and elsewhere. It has been included in Sex Scene: An Anthology, Mamas & Papas (City Works Press) and two other anthologies from Wising Up Press. She lives with her family in Brooklyn.
WMC2 About

Wah-Ming Chang

Wah-Ming Chang has received fiction fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts, the Urban Artist Initiative, the Bronx Writers Center, and the Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts. Her fiction has appeared in Mississippi Review and Arts & Letters Journal of Contemporary Culture, and her nonfiction on She blogs at
lynn About

Lynne Bamat Mijangos

Lynne Bamat Mijangos is a mother, grandmother, nurse, social worker and writer. She cares about people, the stories they tell, and those they might never get to tell. She graduated with an MFA in nonfiction from The New School in 2002. A chapbook Baby Girl Mijangos was published in 2003. Currently she is at work on a memoir The Easy Child. She lives in New York with her husband and ballroom dance partner Luis Mijangos. He illustrated her retelling of the Mexican myth La Mujer Dormida, which they hope to publish in English and Spanish.
natalia About


Natalia Nebel

Natalia Nebel is a writer, translator, former managing editor of the literary journal Chicago Quarterly Review, and a board member of ShawChicago Theater Company. Having read her work at the New York City Sunday Salon several years ago, she’s thrilled to be involved in reintroducing Sunday Salon to Chicago.
alexa About

Alexandra Sheckler

Alexandra Sheckler is an editor of instructional materials at Chicago Public Schools and a freelance writer/editor after hours. A literary enthusiast, Alexandra is delighted to be involved with Sunday Salon Chicago, where she can share her passion for the written word and rub elbows with writers and literati alike. When she isn’t finding grammatical errors in menus and text messages, she enjoys traveling, practicing yoga, and cooking.
christine About

Christine Sneed

Christine Sneed’s story collection, Portraits of a Few of the People I’ve Made Cry, won AWP’s 2009 Grace Paley Prize and was nominated for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, first-fiction category. It also won the Chicago Writers Association Book of the Year award and Ploughshares’ John C. Zacharis Award. Her second book, the novel Little Known Facts, is just out from Bloomsbury. Her stories have appeared in Best American Short Stories, PEN/O. Henry Prize Stories, Ploughshares, New England Review, Glimmer Train, Southern Review and a number of other journals. She lives in Evanston, IL and teaches for Northwestern University’s and Pacific University’s writing programs.

Nairobi (Past Series)

In the spring 2007, Salon opened in Nairobi via a transatlantic connection established between Salon founder, Nita Noveno, and Kwani? Readings founder, June Wanjiru Wainaina. Since then, Salon Nairobi has grown into a unique, well-rounded gathering that not only engages the audience, but leaves one with a sense of pride at the achievements of Kenyan writers in reflecting the rights, and the wrongs of the Kenya they live in and love.

Past Salon Collaborators

NYC Salon: Caroline Berger, Krista Madsen
Chicago Salon: Melanie Pappadis, Mike Zapata
Nairobi Salon: June Wanjiru Wainaina

The Johns Hopkins University, M. A. in Writing Spring Reading 2013 | Mark Farrington, Ed Perlman, Rae Bryant


Friday, March 15, 2013

6 PM Reception | 7 PM Reading

Gilman Hall, Room 132, Homewood Campus

The Johns Hopkins University, M. A. in Writing Program, Baltimore, Maryland





Mark Farrington is an instructor and the faculty fiction advisor for the Writing Program. He has an MFA in Fiction Writing from George Mason University and a BA from Colby College. He has published short stories in The New Virginia Review, The Louisville Review, Union Street Review, and other journals, and he has served as editor-in-chief of Phoebe: The George Mason Review. He also has published numerous articles on the teaching of writing. He taught writing at George Mason for ten years and currently also works for the Northern Virginia Writing Project, a teacher training organization at GMU. In 2003 he was a recipient of the MA in Writing Program’s Outstanding Teaching Award, and in 2004 he received the Outstanding Faculty Award from the Advanced Academic Programs. About teaching in the program, he says, “What I especially like about this program is its emphasis on the high quality of teaching, and its emphasis on craft. Maybe you can’t “teach writing”, but you can teach craft, and you can help students understand how to make their writing better. In workshops I ask students to be honest and constructive — always both, together.” He lives in Alexandria, Virginia , with his wife Christina and their springer spaniel Sophie.

Edward Perlman is the founder and editor of Entasis Press. Ed began his professional teaching career in the Alexandria City Schools, where he instructed in English and humanities and was principal for the European campus of a summer school program.  He writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry; his poetry, essays, and book reviews have appeared in various reviews and publications, including Explorations, Passages Northwest, The Sewanee Theological Review, and The Living Church.  He is a contributing author to Alexandria, a Town in Transition 1800-1900 (Alexandria Historical Society). The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and the NEA awarded him an artist fellowship grant for 2006 for his poetry. He has twice won the Writing Program’s Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence. Ed has master’s degrees from Virginia Tech and from the Writing Program. He and his partner live in Washington, D.C.

Rae Bryant’s short story collection, The Indefinite State of Imaginary Morals, released from Patasola Press, NY, in June 2011. Her work has appeared in The Paris Review, StoryQuarterly, McSweeney’s, The Nervous Breakdown, BLIP Magazine (formerly Mississippi Review), Gargoyle Magazine, Opium Magazine, and PANK, among other publications and have been nominated for the Pen/Hemingway, Pen Emerging Writers, and Pushcart awards. She writes book reviews for such places as New York Journal of Books, Washington Independent Review of Books, Puerto del Sol, and Portland Book Review. She has received fellowships from the VCCA and The Johns Hopkins University, where she earned a Masters in Writing, teaches multimedia and creative writing, and is editor in chief of the literary and arts journal, The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review.



AWP 2013 Boston

AWP 2013. Boston. Hmm. Monster conference set on sleep-deprived surreality hashed on kick ass party reading, Steve Almond, Derrick Brown, Amber Tamblyn, Sun Parade and hallucinatory academia anxiety and did you see so and so yet? And holy shit, supposed to be there and here, a stop by the Hobart table and Barrelhouse table and Gargoyle table and Sewanee table and Dzanc table and McSweeney’s table and Redivider table and Rumpus table and PANK table and Tin House table… And run to catch Michael Martone at the end of the corridor then run to catch lunch with so and so then back to the book floor and is it time for a nap? No, no, time to go back to the Hobart table for a clutch of books and a whiskey shot, fuck, I forgot my bag at the other end of the world or the mall or whatever the hell subterranean place this is but the shot is warm and good, and right, we need to eat. Let’s get food now before the next round and hello, hi, how are ya, wanna grab a bite, a beer, a couple of gatorades? Caffeine? Caffeine? Yes, caffeine is good. Or maybe crash and sleep till next week. No, no, Delillo is reading. No, no, time for LDM. Meet you across the street at McGreevy’s…