Kyle Noe

KyleNoe-NOE___NONFICTION-noepic[1]Q) How did you learn about/become involved with Eckleburg?

Kyle Noe: I first found Eckleburg – and fell in love with its aesthetic through word of mouth when a friend recommended Whale Skull by Matt Ferner. It’s not often that a one-page story makes you stop and rethink everything for a good half hour afterwards. So I jumped at the opportunity to be part of the team.


Q) What genre do you edit/what role do you have?

KN: I evaluate and edit fiction stories that capture my attention, collaborate with our fiction contributors, and assist our Editor-in-Chief in formatting our annual print edition.


Q) What are you looking for in submissions?

KN: A strong voice that draws me in so much that I’m transported into the story world and I bump into poles on the sidewalk.


Q) What have been one or two of your favorite pieces you have seen in Eckleburg so far?

KN:Saver’s Delight” and “The Son of Rainy Mountain“. Both brilliant and full of vision, daring with something meaningful to say. More than words.


Q) What are some publications you have/accomplishments you want to share?

KN: My main love is novels. However, I’m in the middle of collaborating with producers on a television show a friend and I created. 


Q) How do you approach writing?

KN: I definitely use the madman/architect approach. First, my mind gets carried away with an idea, and the story comes in waves. Then I start figuring out what it’s really about. That’s when the hard work comes. After my first three drafts, I find two or three similar books, short stories, or screenplays and see what I can learn from them. Then I allow external influence to do its work on my stories through feedback and comparison to similar pieces.


Q) In 5 words or less, describe what kind of a journal you think Eckleburg is.

KN: Daring. Character emphasis. Strong voices.


Q) Any other promotion/interesting fact/random tid bit you want to share?

KN: The amount of enjoyment I’ve gotten out of reading submissions and collaborating with other authors, such as Mirri Glasson-Darling, Weston Cutter, Caralyn Davis, and many others, has led me to taking on a second gig as an associate editor with a literary scifi publisher, F.W. Fife. 


Born and raised on a gravel road with no name in Missouri, Kyle wrote stories at the kitchen table and read everything he could get his hands on, especially anything by Douglas Adams, Erik Larson, Kurt Vonnegut, Margaret Atwood, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Joan Didion, while his family watched Alf. He received his BA in International Affairs from The George Washington University and his MA in Writing from The Johns Hopkins University. When he isn’t writing, reading, or editing novels, you can find him working on screenplays, writing columns at The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review, and connecting authors at


AWP 2013 Boston

AWP 2013. Boston. Hmm. Monster conference set on sleep-deprived surreality hashed on kick ass party reading, Steve Almond, Derrick Brown, Amber Tamblyn, Sun Parade and hallucinatory academia anxiety and did you see so and so yet? And holy shit, supposed to be there and here, a stop by the Hobart table and Barrelhouse table and Gargoyle table and Sewanee table and Dzanc table and McSweeney’s table and Redivider table and Rumpus table and PANK table and Tin House table… And run to catch Michael Martone at the end of the corridor then run to catch lunch with so and so then back to the book floor and is it time for a nap? No, no, time to go back to the Hobart table for a clutch of books and a whiskey shot, fuck, I forgot my bag at the other end of the world or the mall or whatever the hell subterranean place this is but the shot is warm and good, and right, we need to eat. Let’s get food now before the next round and hello, hi, how are ya, wanna grab a bite, a beer, a couple of gatorades? Caffeine? Caffeine? Yes, caffeine is good. Or maybe crash and sleep till next week. No, no, Delillo is reading. No, no, time for LDM. Meet you across the street at McGreevy’s…