Originally from New Bern, NC, Cheyenne Autry is a fourth-year fiction student in the MFA program at the University of Arkansas. She likes long walks and short bios.
Eckleburg: What captures your interest most in your work, now, as a reader of your work?
Cheyenne Autry:
I love the strangeness of it. A lot of my writing has this strange or unreal element in it because I feel that those moments capture a feeling or reaction in a way that reality can’t. For me, actually losing one’s head from laughter does more justice to the situation and what Wife is feeling.Â
Eckleburg: What are you working on now?
Cheyenne Autry:
I’m starting to put stories together for my thesis, and I have a few new stories in various stages. There’s a ghost story of sorts, and another about these kids living in an old motel. I’m also dabbling in flash fiction.
Eckleburg: Who and what are your artistic influences?
Cheyenne Autry:
Everything, I guess? Every person, book, picture, painting, experience, etc. are fair game for me when it comes to writing. This is a pretty lame answer, I know, but it’s hard for me to pick out these people or objects that influence my work because my mind automatically just goes to writers I like, but I don’t think being a fan equates to artistic influence. The work and experiences I don’t like probably influence me more than those I’m really jazzed about.Â
Eckleburg thanks Cheyenne Autry. Do you have new work published here at Eckleburg or elsewhere? Add your Selfie Interview and share the news with our 10,000+ reading and writing community. If you have a new book out or upcoming, join our Eckleburg Book Club and let our readers know about it.