Paper World
by S. Graber
There was a town overrun by rats. They spoiled everything. They stuck their tales in the butter and shit in the soup and committed date rapes, but the girls imagined it was a mark of prestige to be chosen, so they said nothing….
S. Graber is an Assistant Professor of English at a Midwestern university. She publishes in diverse formats including creative nonfiction, short stories, and academic essays. Her areas of interest include popular culture, pedagogy, and critical theory.Support Our Contributors
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About Eckleburg
The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review is a print and digital literary journal. We offer original fiction — short stories, short short stories, hybrid—poetry and nonfiction. We also curate The Eckleburg Gallery — visual artwork and intermedia — as well The Groove including first released, original music by The Size Queens. Our archives include emerging and established writers, poets, artists, musicians and performers such as Rick Moody, Cris Mazza, Eurydice, Steve Almond, Stephen Dixon, Moira Egan, David Wagoner, Zach Galifianakis and many more. We run annual print issues, The Eckleburg Reading Series (DC, Baltimore, Chicago, New York….), as well as, the annual Gertrude Stein Award in Fiction with a first prize of $1000 and print publication.
Submit Your Fiction
We accept previously unpublished and polished prose — short story, short short story, hybrid — up to 8,000 words year round, unless announced otherwise. We are always looking for tightly woven short works under 2,000 words and short-shorts around 500 words. No multiple submissions but simultaneous is fine as long as you withdraw the submission asap through the submissions system. Please do not email the editors to withdraw your submission. Submit your fiction.
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