I. Some things I wish I’d done with my dad:
- Made a list of all the books he’d read,
- Set aside his last phone message,
- Made it real, that father-son vacation,
- Met him for another round of golf…
II. More things I wish I’d done with my dad:
- Finished up that 20-Mule Team Model Kit,
- Asked about the love he’d had for mom,
- Gone with him to Grandpa’s funeral,
- Written down his favorite recipes…
III. And even more; I wish I’d:
- Told him that his life had made a difference,
- Let him know the past had been wiped clean,
- Been there at his side when he was fading,
- Looked him in the eyes and said good-bye…
Chris Fradkin is a beet farmer who is tending crops in Central California. His prose and poetry have recently appeared in Storyglossia, Monkeybicycle, and Thrush Poetry Journal. His songs have been performed by Fergie, The Plimsouls, and The Flamin’ Groovies. His photography has appeared in Bartleby Snopes, and his Emmy-award-winning sound editorial has graced The X-Files.