by Kristine Ong Muslim
He is looking for the top 40 tunes
from fifteen years ago. There is nothing
canned out there, where each bandwidth
is swollen by old songs so unheard-of
they remain untitled. He slowly turns
the dial. His fingers, fevered.
This static originates from a vacuum.
This bright noise lives under his skin.
Kristine Ong Muslim is the author of the full-length poetry collection, A Roomful of Machines (Searle Publishing, 2010) and the e-chapbook, Our Mr. Flip (Scars Publications, August 2010). Her poems and stories have appeared in over four hundred publications worldwide including Boston Review, Contrary Magazine, Narrative Magazine, The Pedestal Magazine, and Southword.  She has been nominated five times for the Pushcart Prize and four times for the Science Fiction Poetry Association’s Rhysling Award. Her publication credits are listed here.
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