Pre-Course: How to Navigate Technologies & Online Workshops

Johnathon, Our Tech Guru

Johnathon Williams, Tech GuruJohnathon is very friendly and he is here to help you. Please read through this tech section and check the FAQs, first, as there are many questions already answered. Eckleburg tests on both Macs and PCs as well as Safari, Chrome and Firefox. If you have questions, please contact me asap. We suggest NOT using Internet Explorer (IE). Please review this entire section.


Contact Johnathon, Our Tech Guru 

[contact-form to=’’ subject=’Contact Inquiry from Eckleburg Workshops’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What is your browser?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What is your operating system?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Have you updated your browser, operating system and plugins, cleared cache and restarted? (This is a universal system check and fix for any system and user.)’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’In which workshop are you currently participating?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Who is your instructor?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Please provide a link to the page on which you are having difficulties.’ type=’url’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


BROWSERS | We recommend using Firefox, Safari or Chrome as your browser. As a general rule, for any website or venue, Internet Explorer tends to have issues if any browser is going to have an issue with a site or page. I use Firefox and Safari primarily, though, we test our Eckleburg Workshops and other arms of Eckleburg on Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE. If you are having an issue with logging in or any other site issue, it may very well be the browser and/or operating system. Before contacting us, please try using a different browser.

1passwordPASSWORDS | Do you sometimes have difficulty keeping track of your usernames and passwords? At The Eckleburg Workshops, we’ve found that too often our students have not yet organized their usernames and passwords in a safe and handy way. 

There are several good password keepers out and about. We’ve been using 1Password for over two years now and have never had an issue with safety, privacy or accessibility. You can purchase apps for both the smartphone and laptop and then update, save and access your single 1Password account from all of your devices. You even have the option to share individual username and password information with family members, if I wish. We are confident that 1Password not only does the job, but also helps make life much easier with all the work, bills, social networking and more. 1Password, or another app like it, will make a big difference. If you have not yet started a password keeper account, we encourage you to set up a password keeper today.

Audacity-iconAUDACITY | Audacity is open source software. I’ve used Audacity on both my PCs and Macs for over ten years and have never had issues with Audacity. Many techs, coders and audio/film professionals use Audacity due to its intuitive, easy and free access. There are a few virus scanners that may give you a flag. If this happens, please read this article. There are many audio recording and digital editing software programs from which to choose and you should use the one with which you feel most comfortable. I use Audacity on my PC and Mac systems and my tech support at Johns Hopkins downloads Audacity to our campus computers for my student use. I am confident Audacity is a good and safe software.