Lesson No. 2: The Two Step Competitive Reading Strategy

Reading Goal

  • Identify the main idea in the essay prompt and source text. The main idea in the essay prompt and source text will be the same. Furthermore, within the writing prompt, College Board has identified on which main idea they want you to focus. Good news is the SAT is redundant. They make sure you understand what they are asking you to do. Bad news is, the SAT is redundant. The writing prompts and source materials are highly redundant and wordy. Your job is to cut through the redundancy and focus only on what matters.


The Essay Directions and Writing Prompt

You will see the below directions BEFORE the source text. These directions are essentially the same for every essay test. You are going to learn these directions prior to test day so you can skip them on test day and go directly to the writing prompt.

As you read the passage below, consider how [author] uses

• evidence, such as facts or [AND] examples, to support claims. 

• reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence.

• stylistic or persuasive [rhetorical devices] elements, such as word choice or [AND] appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.

*The three bulleted prompt items will be the same for any SAT Essay prompt you are given. If you train now and form a previous knowledge of and comfort with what the prompt bullets are asking you to do, you will know it like muscle memory and will save time during the test so you can focus more on the source material.

In your written response, use the words “statistical,” “evidence,” “critical reasoning,” “stylistic,” “diction,” and “rhetorical device.” Make it easy for your essay scorer to know you understand the prompt and you are addressing their requests. The words “evidence,” “critical reasoning,” “stylistic,” “diction,” and “rhetorical device” will not only prove you understand and are addressing the prompt, it will evidence a higher level understanding of the terminology, signaling to the scorer that you have a “command of the English language.”

On the day of the test, you will see the below prompt AFTER the source text, but it is helpful if you read this prompt and underline the main idea before you read the source text.

Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience that [author’s claim]. In your essay, analyze how [the author] uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of [his/her] argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

Your essay should not explain whether you agree with [the author’s] claims, but rather explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience.

*The stricken words are repeats of the information you already understand in the directions. Additionally, the stricken words will be pretty much the same no matter what essay prompt you are given. Familiarize yourself with the stricken out parts now so that in test time, you focus only on the main point, underlined above.

The SAT is not asking you to think individually. They don’t care if you agree with whether or not Peter S. Goodman builds an effective argument. They want you to “explain how Peter S. Goodman builds an argument to persuade…” For smart, critical readers, this is the more difficult aspect of SAT Essay tests.

Truthfully, there are holes in Goodman’s below article—i.e., paragraph #3 does not identify which “papers” and what “space.” Excellent critical readers will question the validity of Goodman’s argument because his details are incomplete and appear to be opinionated without specific support sources and details. Even if he had listed one actual news source title from the AJR study, it would have supported his claim much better, but he refrains. Perhaps, he was directed to leave the actual titles out? Maybe eHuffingtonpost.com did not want to incur the negative attention it might bring from the news sources in question? Regardless, Goodman might have address this gaping hole in his argument in some way so to further build the reader’s trust.

Additionally, excellent critical readers would use Goodman’s own “social networking” argument against him: his essay was published at eHuffingtonpost.com, an online news source, and does not include the level of specific support and details, especially in paragraph #3, that one would expect to find in The New York Times. Goodman is the “executive business and global news editor at eHuffingtonPost.com.” How thoroughly was his article edited by his senior editor? Did he have a senior editor or merely a fact checker and/or copy editor? 

However, the SAT has decided Goodman has built an argument to persuade his audience. So now, it is your job to support SAT’s assertion. One caveat, though the sample 8|8|8 sample response give for Goodman’s article does not address the holes in paragraph #3, you might make note of this critical issue in your own response, as long as you address the areas in which Goodman does build his argument well. 

Think of yourself as a good soldier with diplomatic talents. When your drill sergeant says that Goodman built a persuasive argument, you will say “yes, sir” or “yes, mam.” If you offer a counterargument to your drill sergeant, you will do so cautiously and with respect. If done effectively and respectfully, your sergeant will regard you as a critical thinker capable of leading. If done poorly, your sergeant will make you do push ups till next week. 


Here is our sample writing prompt taken from an actual SAT Essay:

Write an essay in which you explain how Peter S. Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States. In your essay, analyze how Goodman uses one or more of the features listed in the box above (or features of your own choice) to strengthen the logic and persuasiveness of his argument. Be sure that your analysis focuses on the most relevant features of the passage.

*Notice how wordy the writing prompt is. Ignore the wordiness and focus only on the above highlighted section of your essay prompt on test day. Basically, the only thing you need to know from this entire paragraph is that “Peter S. Goodman builds an argument to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States.” 

Take this further and add the bulleted items into a single sentence. “Peter S. Goodman builds an argument using evidence, reasoning, style (syntax, sentence variety) and rhetorical devices (word choice, appeals to emotion, repetition) to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States.”

The best part? Not only have you cut it all down to an easy to process main idea, you’ve found the main idea of your essay response. Your “thesis.” This is a win win. Think about how many students go into the SAT Essay test without having trained for this easy and this very simple strategy. They will spend at least five minutes figuring out the wordiness of the writing prompt then potentially even more time working out their “thesis.” You have now boiled this all down to a single sentence that follows a formula you’ve already developed and know by heart. You will know what you are looking for a writing within two minutes flat. Now, your job is to simply locate Goodman’s main support details in the body paragraphs.


Reading in a Less Competitive Environment

Previously, we explored different notation approaches: underlining, circling and annotation notes. We also explored some testing tips from MIT. In this lesson, we are going to use what we learned to build a progressive strategy to (a) more quickly immerse yourself in the source content and (b) build thorough understanding of its main concepts.

If you weren’t in a competitive testing environment, and you wanted to gain full understanding of source material, you might read an article four separate times.

  • Reading 1: Familiarize yourself with the overall concept with a special focus on main ideas in the introduction and conclusion.
  • Reading 2: Highlight main concepts as you read now that you have a general viewpoint of the introduction and conclusion.
  • Reading 3: Notate in the margins so to create relationships between the main ideas.
  • Reading 4: Create a separate outline from your highlighted concepts and notations.

In a competitive testing atmosphere, every second counts. You don’t have time to read the source material four times. You must read, acquire, retain and understand the material more quickly.  For this reason, you are going to train yourself to use a two step reading acquisition and retention strategy. For the following strategy to work, you must practice, practice, practice each subset.


Reading in a Competitive Testing Environment

Read only the introduction and conclusion while highlighting capitalized words, acronyms, numbers, dates, words with four or more syllables (including compound nouns and hyphenated words) and repeated words. (Why are you highlighting four or more syllable words? Because they are going to be your higher vocabulary response words that will give you a more advanced word usage, diction, score.)


Sample Sat Essay

Remember your main idea that you have already outlined from the writing prompt: 

“Peter S. Goodman builds an argument using evidence, reasoning, style (syntax, sentence variety) and rhetorical devices (word choice, appeals to emotion, repetition) to persuade his audience that news organizations should increase the amount of professional foreign news coverage provided to people in the United States.”

Now, focus on finding the most important details that relate to and support this main idea. Focus on the introductory and concluding paragraphs first.


Adapted from Peter S. Goodman’s, “Foreign News at a Crisis Point.” ©2013 by eHuffingtonPost.com, Inc. Originally published September 25, 2013. Peter Goodman is the executive business and global news editor at eHuffingtonPost.com.

1. Back in 2003American Journalism Review produced a census of foreign correspondents then employed by newspapers based in the United States, and found 307 full-time people. When AJR repeated the exercise in the summer of 2011, the count had dropped to 234. And even that number was signifcantly inflated by the inclusion of contract writers who had replaced full-time staffers.

2. In the intervening eight years20 American news organizations had entirely eliminated their foreign bureaus.

3. The same AJR survey zeroed in on a representative sampling of American papers from across the country and found that the space devoted to foreign news had shrunk by 53 percent over the previous quarter-century.

4. All of this decline was playing out at a time when the U.S. was embroiled in two overseas wars, with hundreds of thousands of Americans deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was happening as domestic politics grappled with the merits and consequences of a global war on terror, as a Great Recession was blamed in part on global imbalances in savings, and as world leaders debated a global trade treaty and pacts aimed at addressing climate change. It unfolded as American workers heard increasingly that their wages and job security were under assault by competition from counterparts on the other side of oceans.

5. In short, news of the world is becoming palpably more relevant to the day-to-day experiences of American readers, and it is rapidly disappearing.

6. Yet the same forces that have assailed print media, eroding foreign news along the way, may be fashioning a useful response. Several nonprofit outlets have popped up to finance foreign reporting, and a for-profit outfit, GlobalPost, has dispatched a team of 18 senior correspondents into the field, supplemented by dozens of stringers and freelancers….

7. We are intent on forging fresh platforms for user-generated content: testimonials, snapshots and video clips from readers documenting issues in need of attention. Too often these sorts of efforts wind up feeling marginal or even patronizing: “Dear peasant, here’s your chance to speak to the pros about what’s happening in your tiny little corner of the world.” We see user-generated content as a genuine reporting tool, one that operates on the premise that we can only be in so many places at once. Crowd-sourcing is a fundamental advantage of the web, so why not embrace it as a means of piecing together a broader and more textured understanding of events?

8. We all know the power of Twitter, Facebook and other forms of social media to connect readers in one place with images and impressions from situations unfolding far away. We know the force of social media during the Arab Spring, as activists convened and reacted to changing circumstances…. Facts and insights reside on social media, waiting to be harvested by the digitally literate contemporary correspondent.

9. And yet those of us who have been engaged in foreign reporting for many years will confess to unease over many of the developments unfolding online, even as we recognize the trends are as unstoppable as globalization or the weather. Too often it seems as if professional foreign correspondents, the people paid to use their expertise while serving as informational filters, are being replaced by citizen journalists who function largely as funnels, pouring insight along with speculation, propaganda and other white noise into the mix.

10. We can celebrate the democratization of media, the breakdown of monopolies, the rise of innovative means of telling stories, and the inclusion of a diversity of voices, and still ask whether the results are making us better informed. Indeed, we have a professional responsibility to continually ask that question while seeking to engineer new models that can channel the web in the interest of better informing readers….

11. We need to embrace the present and gear for the future. These are days in which newsrooms simply must be entrepreneurial and creative in pursuit of new means of reporting and paying for it. That makes this a particularly interesting time to be doing the work, but it also requires forthright attention to a central demand: We need to put back what the Internet has taken away. We need to turn the void into something fresh and compelling. We need to re-examine and update how we gather information and how we engage readers, while retaining the core values of serious-minded journalism.

12. This will not be easy…. But the alternative—accepting ignorance and parochialism—is simply not an option.


Training for Competitive Reading

  1. Before You Start: You’ll need a printer, pencil, and timer.

  2. If you have a testing buddy, great! This is highly suggested. Decide on a time when you can both complete your training together. In the morning is best.
  3. Print each of the following SAT Practice Essays: SAT Practice Test 1,  SAT Practice Test 2SAT Practice Test 3SAT Practice Test 4. (Print a set for your buddy, too!)

  4. Sit at a desk or table and straight-backed chair. Try to replicate the actual testing environment as closely as possible.

  5. If you are testing with a buddy, see who can read and circle all items—capitalized words, acronyms, numbers, dates, words with four or more syllables (including compound nouns and hyphenated words) and repeated words—first. Begin with Practice Test 1. When done, count how many circled terms you each have and cross check to see which words were missed. Who won? What does the winner get?

  6. Do the same with each of the next three practice tests.

  7. Stay with this skill step until you have mastered it. You might schedule weekly Sunday morning competitive testing sessions for a month or two or for several days straight. Generally, it takes the body and brain three weeks of regularly training to learn new habits. How much and how often you train for this step will depend upon your own acquisition and retention rates. Don’t fret if you are a slower reader or if you are a learner who does better audibly. This is what the training is for. Just keep training and you will build this skill step for strength and endurance.


Lesson No. 3: Training Your Brain for Competitive Testing


Successful athletes not only build a regimen for competitive performance, they explore their own organic approach to competitive performance. Competitive testing is no different. 

The first question any sprinter should ask is with which leg will I lead? To figure this out, stand up straight and jump forward as if starting to run. Do this a few times. The leg that jumps forward first and more often is your lead leg. Often, right-handed sprinters will lead with their left leg. But not always. 

The first question any competitive tester should ask is which of my intelligences are more dominant and how can I strengthen my weaker intelligences so to support the stronger? The first step is understanding a little more about the way your brain functions and how lateralization plays a part.



“In the mid-1800’s, Paul Broca proposed the classic hemispheric dominance theory that particular characteristics were associated with each side of the brain.  Initially, researchers believed the left side of the brain had the higher faculties and was more dominant.  By the late 1800’s, John Jackson was questioning the left brain dominant theory.  He considered the right brain to be the “neglected hemisphere”.  During the early 1900’s Wilder Penfield pioneered the use of direct electrical stimulation on certain areas of the brains during surgery. Brain theory research made tremendous strides during the 1950’s when Roger Sperry at the California Institute of Technology was able to sever the corpus callosum, the nerve fibers between the two cerebral hemispheres, and study each of the hemispheres in isolation.  His split-brain theory research, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1981, established that the two hemispheres of the brain process information differently.  Individuals do not learn with only one hemisphere, but there may be a preference for one or the other processing strategies. Characteristics of the left hemisphere include verbal, sequential, and analytical abilities.  Dominant functions of the right hemisphere are global, holistic, and visual-spatial” (Cortland.edu).

In 2013, neuroscientists at the University of Utah found evidence beyond the right brain, left brain research; however, they did also find evidence to support lateralization:

“It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by connection, ” said Jeff Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., lead author of the study, which is formally titled “An Evaluation of the Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Hypothesis with Resting State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging.” Read More

The following 30 second brain test works on the idea of right-brain, left-brain dominance. Though the dominance hypothesis has been debunked, you can learn a little about your language and attentional dominances:

Left Brain Right Brain Test

Which of the Following Annotation Style(s) Do You Use Most When Reading?

What did your 30 second brain test show you? Are you left dominant, right dominant or equal? If you are left dominant, research says your language talents are stronger than your attentional talents. If you are right dominant, research suggests that your attentional talents are stronger than your language talents. Remember, both sides of your brain are working together. Your job, now, is to help them work even better together. 

How you notate as you read is a primary skill when testing. It is a way to quickly jump into new material with an easy and confidence-building focus. (In the next lesson, we will discuss concrete strategies on how to make detail notating simple.) It is essential that you explore your organic needs and strengths in reading notation. Let’s start by looking at some basic approaches that anyone can use in any testing situation that involves paper and a pencil or pen. Look at the following excerpts taken from an SAT essay test sample and determine which of them work best for you visually.


MIT: Tooling and Studying: Effective Reading and Note-Taking

The following guidelines on effective note-taking while reading come from the Massachusettes Institute of Technology (MIT).



  • Genre matters: reading strategies will vary depending on what type of publication you’re reading. Here, we will be addressing academic materials, including textbooks, academic articles, presentations, and more, but not including novels, poems, and visual content.
  • Must I read every word? No – the goal of reading and note-taking are grasping key concepts; there will doubtlessly be less significant information contained therein. Follow the below steps to determine what you should read closely and what might be peripheral.



  • Consult your [writing prompt] for the breadth of reading assignment. Aim to concentrate on the [prompt] assigned [as you read].
  • Get an overview… read the summary and conclusions first for a big-picture view… Be sure to make note of the main topics, as you will want to build more elaborate notes on these while you read the piece.
  • Make note of section titles. Chapters and articles will be broken down by content or theme; make note of these. Again, build more elaborate notes on these while you read the piece….



  • Big ideas: what main ideas are reflected in the introduction, conclusion, and [writing prompt]? Be sure to [underline or circle] all relevant details of the big ideas in the text as you read the entire piece.
  • Follow visual cues: main ideas will often be bolded, italicized, bulleted, set in different font sizes, color, and/or spacing. Additionally, illustrations, figures, tables, charts, diagrams, and the corresponding captions elaborate on key ideas. Use these to determine the significance of concepts, and to take notes accordingly.
  • What’s repeated: concepts, formulas, facts, and processes mentioned more than once in the piece are likely significant.