You’re an Ugly Crier by Megan Giddings


Megan Giddings is  presently at Miami University where she’s working on a MA in fiction and writing a novel. Her work appears in >kill author, and the Eckleburg Salon.

Megan Giddings

6 Replies to “You’re an Ugly Crier by Megan Giddings”

  1. I love this piece. Usually fiction written any other way than normal bugs me, but this is amazing because it lays things out in lists that could just as well be regular style prose but in this fashion keeps the flow going in a way that says ‘don’t you dare skim!’
    The content is also so sad in a way that I am sure we can all relate to, and is some ways that I imagine many of us are like ‘wtf’? People do that? It made me laugh and feel pitty.
    And it is in second person! Another style that I tend to disregard, but it works so well here.

  2. I seem to be falling for second person point of view more and more lately. It might be time to break out Bright Lights, Big City. I love it when a story creates a full character, plot, and theme arc. You’re an Ugly Crier hits a homerun and makes you feel conflicting and deep emotion along with its narrator. If you like cringing about tense moments as if they’re happening to you and coming out the other side feeling something new, this story is for you.

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