ECKLEBURG BOOK CLUB | Empty Pockets by Dale Herd

empty pockets


Empty Pockets  by Dale Herd

From high school love notes to a drug runner’s day; from a boy’s first fistfight to the unexpected aftermath of a woman’s first experience of marijuana, Dale Herd’s stories travel the backroads, sending postcards of life as it is lived.



“A world takes place here with extraordinary economy: articulate, fragile, heartfelt.”—Robert Creeley

“Dale Herd’s writing has affected the way I look at the world, as well as opening me up to one more possibility of how to transform the world into words, and his books certainly deserve a place on the highest shelf.”—American Book Review


Publisher Information

February 2015

Coffee House Press

ISBN: 978-1-56689-377-0



empty pockets authorDale Herd is the author of three short story collections: Early Morning Wind (The Four Seasons Foundation, 1972), Diamonds (Mudra, 1976), and Wild Cherries (Tombouctou, 1980). He currently lives in California.

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