We will explore linguistic techniques and devices in both written and visual works such as The Road and Inglorious Bastards. Our focus will be to study and practice contemporary, surgical, linguistic rule-breaking so to discover our own “rebel linguists” and individual forms of creative voice.
- To identify and read exemplary works of contemporary prose and linguistic techniques as a foundational study to creating your own;
- To generate new drafts of work with a focus on organic voice and linguistic creativity;
- To provide critical feedback on work so you can revise and make it as strong as it can be;
- To help you further strengthen your knowledge of form and to provide you with the environment to better understand your individual voice so you can apply this to future works;
- To help you learn and improve on the techniques of writing and self-editing so that you are aware of your preferred forms and boundaries and be able to consider how you might push your preferred forms into your best craft.